4 Life-Changing Insights I Learned from "Steal Like an Artist"

4 Life-Changing Insights I Learned from "Steal Like an Artist"

"Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative" by Austin Kleon is more than just a book about creativity. It's a masterclass in seeing the world differently and finding inspiration in the most unexpected places. As an ardent reader and aspiring creative, here are the ten invaluable insights I've gathered from this ingenious guide.

"Steal" from Many, Don't Plagiarize

Kleon redefines the concept of stealing. He underscores that all great artists draw inspiration from multiple sources, combining, transforming, and translating these influences into their own unique work. He advocates for the collection of ideas, drawing from a wide array of influences to create a diverse personal library of inspiration. This 'theft' isn't about mindlessly copying; it’s about making connections between ideas, about finding intersections that allow us to create something new and remarkable.

Use Your Hands

Kleon champions the power of the tactile experience in the creative process. He suggests that using our hands to create something physical allows us to engage differently with our work, promoting a unique form of creativity that can often be overlooked in our digital age. Engaging with physical materials can provide a rich, grounded experience that bolsters our creative expression.

Austin Kleon's Office

Side Projects are Crucial

Kleon's book emphasizes the importance of side projects in the creative journey. These personal passion projects, done for enjoyment and interest rather than for professional gain, often provide fertile ground for innovation and fresh ideas. They can serve as creative playgrounds where one can experiment freely, fostering unexpected breakthroughs that can enhance the main work.

Share Your Work

Creativity is not a solitary endeavor. Sharing your work invites feedback, cultivates relationships, and enhances communication. Kleon encourages artists to open their creative process to others. Sharing isn't just about the final product; it's also about the journey, the progress, and the process. It's an opportunity for growth, learning, and connection.