Why do we have to be agile?

Why do we have to be agile?
Photo by Daria Nepriakhina πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ / Unsplash

In the annals of project management, the "Waterfall" model has long held a significant place. It provided a systematic, structured method that guided projects through distinct stages, from conception through initiation, analysis, design, construction, testing, to the final deployment and maintenance. This methodology, dominant for many years, offered predictability and control, which were particularly valuable in a wide array of sectors.

However, with the rapid evolution of the technology sector and businesses needing to respond swiftly in the face of ever-changing consumer expectations and competitive market conditions, the Waterfall model started showing its limitations. A more flexible, faster, and customer-focused approach was needed, which gave birth to "Agile."

So, why do we, as software developers, have to be Agile?


Agile offers considerable flexibility when faced with changes. In the Waterfall model, requirements have to be fully defined at the project's outset and remain unaltered thereafter. But in reality, requirements are rarely fixed. Customer demands, market conditions, technological advancements, and more are in constant flux. Agile affords the ability to respond to these changes in a nimble manner.

Customer Centricity

Agile shines when it comes to meeting the needs and expectations of customers. In the Waterfall model, the understanding and setting of customer requirements typically occur at the project's beginning. However, in Agile, the customer is continuously incorporated into the project process. This allows the software development team to better comprehend and respond to the customer's needs as required.

Quick Feedback Loop

In the Agile model, the software development process unfolds through a series of quick iterations or "sprints." At the conclusion of each sprint, a piece of the product is presented to the customer, and feedback is obtained. This facilitates early detection of errors and shortcomings, allowing necessary corrections to be implemented. Consequently, this enhances the quality of the end product and mitigates risks

Efficiency and Effectiveness

Agile methodology optimizes the development process. Short-lived sprints and quick feedback loops enable team members to consistently reassess their priorities and eliminate superfluous workloads. This translates to less time wasted and more time devoted to value-creating activities

Job Satisfaction and Motivation

Lastly, an Agile work environment boosts employee motivation and job satisfaction. Team members experience a continual sense of accomplishing objectives and creating value. Agile imparts more autonomy and responsibility to employees, which typically results in higher job satisfaction and motivation.

In conclusion, we have to be Agile as it can enhance both the software development process and business outcomes. To promptly respond to shifting customer needs, improve product quality, increase efficiency and effectiveness, and elevate employee job satisfaction and motivation, Agile is indispensable. For these reasons, Agile's popularity in the software development world is on a constant upswing.